Thursday, February 5, 2015

Anne's Attraction towards boys

Boy-girl attraction to each other is usual as Anne had also attracted by a young boy named "Harry" One day Mummy and Daddy were out and Margot was playing "Ping-Pong" with some friends. It was the peaceful moment for me. I have been playing ping-pong a lot myself lately. We ping-pongers are very partial to an ice-cream, especially in the summer, when one gets warm in the game, so we usually finish up with a visit to the nearest ice-cream shop, Delphi or Oasis, where Jews are allowed. We have given up scrounging for extra pocket money.

Oasis is full with my large circle of friends. We always manager to find some more kindhearted gentlemen or boy friend, who present us with more ice cream than we could devour in a week. You would be rather surprised should i talk about boy friends at my age? Alas! no one can avoid it at my school. As soon as a boy asks if he may bicycle  home with me and we get into conversation nine out of ten times I can be sure that he will fall head over heels in love immediately and simply would not allow me out of his sight.

After a while it cools down of course, especially as I take little notice of ardent looks and pedal blithely on. if it gets so far that they begin about "asking father" I swerve slightly on my bicycle, my satchel falls, the young man is bound to get off and hand it to me, by which time I have introduced a new topic of  conversation.

These are the most innocent types; you get some who blow kisses or try to get hold of your arm, but then they are definitely knocking at the wrong door I get off my bicycle and refuse to go further in their company, or I pretend to be insulted and tell them in no uncertain terms to clear off. There was the foundation of our friendship is laid, till to morrow!

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